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Ecological restoration – can we improve practice to encourage vulnerable bird species?

This research focuses on the ecological values of restoration, particularly for birds, and how landscape context influences re-colonisation of rainforest restoration sites by fauna.

water source project Victoria's Riflebir
Facilitating seed dispersal in rainforest revegetation

Water points were trialled in conjunction with perches and grass suppression with the aim of increasing rainforest seed dispersal into retired pasture sites.

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Habitat needs of the climate sensitive Grey-headed robin: can we enhance rainforest revegetation sites for this species?

This study aims to understand grey-headed robins’ microhabitat or resource requirements that are inadequately met in replanted sites. It is hoped that this ecological information will suggest manipulations that can be made in revegetated sites to improve the chances of, and reduce the time taken for, this species to recolonise.'_functional_traits_but_not_by_their_predicted_climate_sensitivity

Tooth-billed bowerbirds, extreme weather and climate change

Our research on Tooth-billed bowerbirds focuses on this species’ vulnerability to extreme weather events and climate change. It has encompassed diet and behavioural studies and we continue to monitor courts in several leks on the Atherton Tablelands.

See the video clip below of a male Tooth-billed bowerbird displaying at his court of leaves. 

You can get more information about Wet Tropics birds threatened by climate change and how you can help BirdLife survey birds in Wooroonooran National Park at Birds With Altitude Project | BirdLife Northern Queensland (

Purple-crowned Fairy-wren - status and range of the eastern subspecies.
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The aim of this project is to monitor the status and range of the near-threatened Purple-crowned Fairy-wren (eastern subspecies). Suitable riparian habitat is fragmented and easily degraded by heavy grazing, weeds, excessive fire and flooding. It is therefore important to monitor key locations such as known strongholds and at the eastern and southern extremities of their range.

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